?> [:fr]Instrument PME - 2016[:en]SME Instrument Call - 2016[:] - Institutions & Stratégies

[:fr]Instrument PME – 2016[:en]SME Instrument Call – 2016[:]

[:fr]Instrument PME – 2016[:en]SME Instrument Call – 2016[:]

[:fr]Instrument PME – 2016[:en]SME Instrument Call – 2016[:] 150 150 Institutions & Stratégies


Une liste de 19 sujets prévus pour 2016 est maintenant disponible.

Spatial, transports intelligents et économes en énergie, la gamme de sujet est vaste.

Cet appel recouvre deux types d’appels, des études de faisabilité (dites “phase 1”), et/ou des projets d’innovation (dits “phase 2”).


Ce sont deux exemples de sujets prévus:

Small business innovation research for Transport

Engaging SMEs in space research and development


A list of 19 topics for 2016 is now available. From space, to smart transport and efficient energy, the range of topic is broad. These are two examples :
Small business innovation research for Transport :

The European transport sector must have the capacity to deliver the best products and services, in a time and cost efficient manner, in order to preserve its leadership and create new jobs, as well as to tackle the environmental and mobility defies. Enhancing the involvement of weaker players in innovation activities as well as facilitating the start-up and emergence of new high-tech SMEs is of paramount importance.

Engaging SMEs in space research and development :
The actions under this topic could cover any aspect of the Specific Programme for Space. However, it is considered that actions in the areas of applications, especially in connection to the flagship programmes Galileo and Copernicus, spinning-in and the development of certain critical technologies could be adequately suited for this call.
