?> [:fr]- Recherche de Partenaires : Efficacité énergétique dans le bâtiment[:en]- Research & Development Request: Energy efficiency in building[:] - Institutions & Stratégies

[:fr]- Recherche de Partenaires : Efficacité énergétique dans le bâtiment[:en]- Research & Development Request: Energy efficiency in building[:]

[:fr]- Recherche de Partenaires : Efficacité énergétique dans le bâtiment[:en]- Research & Development Request: Energy efficiency in building[:]

[:fr]- Recherche de Partenaires : Efficacité énergétique dans le bâtiment[:en]- Research & Development Request: Energy efficiency in building[:] 150 150 Institutions & Stratégies


Recherche de Partenaires 

Un consortium composé par 3 partenaires espagnols (une université, une société d’ingénierie et un cabinet d’architectes, tous spécialisés dans l’efficacité énergétique dans le bâtiment) est en cours de formation visant l’appel à projet européen H2020 EE-4-2016-Call: “Standardised installation packages for the integration ofmulticomponents (hybrid) renewable and energy efficiency solutions including thermal energy storage into buildings”.
Le groupe recherche des entreprises ou des institutions de R & D expérimentés en ce domaine pour compléter le consortium. Le consortium devrait être intégré d’environ 6 à 8 partenaires au total.
Expertise technique recherchée:

A manufacturer of HVAC systems based on renewable and low carbon sources

– A manufacturer oh heat exchangers able to integrate PCMs

– An expert in the control the HVAC system

– A R&D institution with know-how in the field of energy efficiency and certification processes (able to play as well the role of coordinator).

Stade de développement:

Stade de concept

Type de partenariat :

Research copperation agreement

Si vous êtes intéressé, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter!

Institutions et Stratégies peut vous accompagner


Partners Request

A group of 3 Spanish complementary partners (a University, an engineering company and an architectural firm, all of them specialised in energy efficiency in building) is willing to submit a proposal to H2020-EE-4-2016 call : Standardised installation packages for the integration of multi-components (hybrid) renewable and energy efficiency solutions including thermal energy storage into buildings.
The group seeks companies or R&D institutions experienced in this field to complete the consortium. The consortium is expected to be integrated by around 6 to 8 partners in total.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought :

– A manufacturer of HVAC systems based on renewable and low carbon sources

– A manufacturer oh heat exchangers able to integrate PCMs

– An expert in the control the HVAC system

– A R&D institution with know-how in the field of energy efficiency and certification processes (able to play as well the role of coordinator).

Stage of Development :

Concept stage

Type of Partnership Considered :

Research copperation agreement

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us !

Institutions and Strategies will support you to integrate a consortium.
