Environnement/Climat : adaptation/résilience des systèmes de production alimentaires / impact du changement climatique sur les écosystèmes et la biodiversité.
Les consortia doivent être composés au minimum de 3 partenaires (dont 2 pays différents de la zone ASEAN et un partenaire européen ou l’inverse).
Clôture de l’appel à propositions : 30 juin 2017
En cas d’intérêt, n’hésitez pas à vous manifester auprès d’Institutions & Stratégies (contact@institutions-strategies.com), nous pouvons vous accompagner dans toutes vos démarches, y compris le montage du consortium (trouver, contacter des partenaires).
Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation in the thematic areas of Health, Environment /Climate Change is open now.
Type of funded projects: Europe-Southeast Asian Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner) and cover the thematic areas of Health (Anti-microbial drug resistance, Emerging infectious diseases), Environment/ Climate Change (Adaptation/Resilience of food production systems, Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems/Biodiversity) to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones.
Deadline for submission: 30 June 2017, 18.00 CET
If you interested you should act as soon as possible. Do you have a project? Do not hesitate to contact us! We can help you in every step of your project, including build a consortium (find and contact partners).